Dave’s Jungle visit.

Dave's Jungle visit.

This week 5th class made their up to CBS James’s Street to witness Dave’s Jungle http://www.davesjungle.com/. Both students and teachers were enthralled by the array of animals on show.

Aron makes a new friend

Aron makes a new friend

Dave was very interesting to listen to and gave us great facts about the different creatures. The picture above is of a Chinese water dragon. This lizard releases its tail when attacked, which then wiggles around, this is to throw off potential predators.

There were shrieks of excitement and palpable fear when the next creature made an appearance. Watch here for our slithery friend: Snake

Iris and Ali with the snake.

Iris and Ali with the snake.


We really enjoyed Dave’s facts and he explained how the snake would be dining on a rabbit next week and how that would be his food for the winter.

Next we were introduced to a Mexican Tarantula. Thankfully Dave had the hairs it flicks removed so we could hold it safely without it using its defense mechanism. Dave also flossed his teeth with one of its fangs, needless to say, don’t try that at home!

Our arachnid friend!

Our arachnid friend!

Watch the Tarantuala scurrying around here: Mexican Tarantula

Overall we thoroughly enjoyed meeting Dave and all his friends. Check out the other pics and videos from the day out below!






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