World Book Day In Room 8
by G Finan
World Book Day reminds us of the wonders that lie in the pages between the covers of our favourite books. Here we lose ourselves in worlds that fuel or imagination. We fight giant spiders, tame beasts, save villages, trick teachers, make new friends and become the hero that we’ve always dreamed of being.
To celebrate World Book Day in Fourth Class we read from our favoutite authors throughout the day.
Most days we have D.E.A.R. Time. This stands for Drop Everything And Read. Today during D.E.A.R. time our teacher read to the class from different novels. Fist up was Roald Dahl and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This has been our class novel for a while and we finished the last three chapters today.
The weather was so nice today that we took our novels out onto The Buddy Bench to read.
The school invested a lot in a new library for the children so we no longer have class readers. Now for homework we can read the authors we love. We love this and now we read more than we have to each night.
J.R.R. Tolkien and The Hobbit was next up. We read from the chapter called Flies and Spiders. Here Bilbo and the dwarves were stuck in The Dark Forrest and had to figure out how to cross the river without being cursed.
Finally we read from Mr. Gum by Andy Staton. Polly had deceived the silly captain that she was a boy so that she stay on the ship while it sailed. She was starting to make some new friends too. The captain would never find out what a fool he was or that Polly was tricking him.
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