School Uniform Survey 2014


Thanks to all the parents who completed the School Uniform Survey in March.

Summary of Survey Findings:

  • 96% of parents say that they are happy to have a school uniform in St Audoen’s NS.
  • 89% of the parents say that they are happy to continue with the crested jumper/tracksuits that St Audoen’s NS has at present.
  • 79% of the parents say that they are happy to continue purchasing the uniform from our current supplier.
  • 47% of parents say that they would like the option of purchasing generic items of the school uniform from a department store.

Based on the above findings there will be no changes made to our uniform policy in St Audoen’s NS for the coming year.

Please note that the crested school jumper & tie and the crested school tracksuit can be purchased form John Lawrence Clothing on Thomas Street; all other generic items can be purchased in department stores (grey trousers/skirts and blue shirts). Children may wear any colour stockings/tights and any colour footwear.




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