Farewell Mr McAdam!

Farewell Mr McAdam!

It was with much regret last week, that we said Farewell our lovely 6th Class teacher; Mr McAdam. Mr McAdam has been a member of staff in St Audoen’s for almost eight years and has become such a popular figure in our school community.

We are delighted that he is moving back home, as this was an ambition of his but are very sad to see him go. His new school is definitely very, very lucky to gain such a great teacher!

I am sure that all of our parents join the Board of Management of St Audoen’s NS in thanking Mr McAdam for the time, effort and enthusiasm he has brought to our school and for the care and compassion he has shown to our children during his years of service.

We wish you the very best of luck in your future Mr McAdam, you will be sorely missed.

Mr McAdam’s student’s read the following poem to him:

The Most Admired Teacher

To Mr McAdam

The most admired teacher
Would be caring, kind and smart.
He’d always have his students’
Best interests in his heart.

He’d help us love to learn.
His lessons would be clear.
He’d motivate with praise,
And always be sincere.

He’d be upbeat and supportive,
And a great role model too.
He’d be the perfect teacher;
He’d be just like you!


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