Pre-School Application

The following are the dates applicable for Admission to Pre-School 2023/2024

  • The school will commence accepting applications for admission on 2nd October 2023.
  • The school shall cease accepting applications for admission on 6th November 2023.
  • The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their application is 1st December 2023.
  • The period within which applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission is 3 weeks



  • Due to the nature of our service capacity, children must be 3 years of age before admission. We recommend a minimum age of 3yrs 6months.
  • Siblings and step siblings of children who are attending and previously attended the Pre-School.
  • Children who are resident in our catchment regions: Cook St, Oliver Bond St, Bridge St, Bridgefoot St, Meath St, Thomas St, Temple Bar, Merchant’s Quay, Ushers Quay.
  • Children of parents who are past pupils of St Audoen’s Pre-School.
  • Children of staff members are entitled to a place if there are any vacancies after the groups from (1) to (4) have been allocated places (eldest child will have priority in this ranking).
  • Children who are not resident in Dublin 8 or it’s immediate environs are entitled to a place if there are vacancies after the groups from (1) to (5) have been allocated. Such applicants will be allocated places based on the distance at which they live from the pre-school (as measured by the Post Code) and according to the date on which the application was received by the school (eldest child will have priority in this ranking).

Please Note:

Pre-School service admission does not guarantee admission to St Audoen’s NS, this is a provision of The Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018. Please see St Audoen’s Admission Policy for further info on school admission or contact

    Personal Information

    Name of Child as on Birth Certificate:

    Sex of child:


    Date of Birth:

    PPS Number:

    Year to be Enrolled:

    Child's Address:


    Country of Birth:

    Has your child attended another childcare service?

    If YES: Name of Pre-School/Childcare Setting attended?

    Has Applicant siblings currently attending St Audoen’s NS:

    (If yes) Name:

    Has Applicant siblings who are Past Pupils of St Audoen’s NS

    (If yes)Name:

    Parents Details

    Mothers Details

    Mothers Name:

    Mothers Address:

    Contact Number:




    Fathers Details:

    Fathers Name:

    Fathers Address:

    Contact Number:




    Alternative Emergency Contact Name & Number: (Grandparent/Relation/Friend)

    Collection Detail:

    Besides Primary Carer/Guardian, who is permitted to collect your child from pre-school?

    Extra Contact 1 Name:

    Extra Contact 1 Contact Number:

    Extra Contact 1 Contact Relationship to Child:

    Extra Contact 2 Name:

    Extra Contact 2 Contact Number:

    Extra Contact 2 Contact Relationship to Child:

    If there is there anyone who is NOT permitted to collect your child please speak to staff members.

    Medical & Developmental Information

    Has your child received their Vaccinations/Immunisations?


    This information will be held in the strictest of confidence.

    Has your child had any of the following?

    Heart Condition

    Fits, fainting or blackouts



    Blood Disorder

    Allergies to any known drugs or medication

    Other Allergies (Materials/Creams/Insects)

    Does your child use any medication including inhalers, injections, creams, tablets, liquids...?

    If the answer to any of the questions above is YES please give details here.

    Does your child have any illness/condition that he/she is currently being treated for? Please give details here.

    Medication/Medical Treatment/ Dosage:


    Does he/she have a known visual problem?

    Does he/she wear glasses?


    Does he/she have intermittent ear problems?


    Please let us know of any dietary restrictions/food allergies your child may have:

    Has your child attended speech therapy?

    Has your child attended an Educational Psychologist?

    Has your child ever attended an Occupational Therapist?

    Has your child ever attended CAMHS?

    If you have answered Yes to any of the previous medical questions please give the details here:

    Are there any other details regarding your child’s development that you feel the school should be made aware of?

    Please note; withholding information regarding your child’s developmental or educational needs may affect your application. Please enclose any relevant reports or documents regarding the above.

    Please send any the following relevant reports and/or information you have regarding your child’s needs to

    Please ensure you have included the following with your application:

    1. Fully completed application form

    2. Copy of Birth Certificate

    3. Reports from previous pre-school (if applicable)

    4. Reports from relevant HSE/CAMHS/Medical & Support Services, if applicable

    Please note:

    Service attendance does not guarantee admission to St Audoen’s NS, this is a provision of The Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018. Please see St Audoen’s NS Admission Policy for further info on school admission or contact

    Please also note:

    • Withholding information regarding your child’s developmental or educational needs may result in your child’s needs not being met in this service. Please enclose any relevant reports or documents regarding the above.

    • Your child may be photographed and/or pictured during their time in this service. Please note this is done strictly in line with our Child Protection Policy & GDPR Policy. If you would like to withdraw consent, please contact the service supervisor.

    • First Aid may be administered when necessary.

    • Child Protection Guidelines will be adhered to at all times.

    • From time to time children are taken on short excursions and walks to broaden their educational experiences.